6 Tips you need to Kickstart your Morning Fitness Routine…

I’ve always believed the rule that you can create a good habit by committing yourself to something for 30 days, so if you’re looking to change your routine by adding in early morning workouts… these 7 tips can help you (like they’ve helped me) be successful on your venture to become a “morning person”.

For reference… I HAVE NEVER BEEN A MORNING PERSONlike ever. For a majority of my adult life I worked the night shift (but now work 7a-7p) and on a day off from work I can easily sleep until 11am with no issues. BUT, by implementing these steps, I’m able to wake up between 4:15-4:45 on work days to fit in my workout before I start my day at the hospital. My husband thought I was crazy when I first told him of my plan to start doing my fitness routine before work… but here I am.. loving it & feeling so much more alert, refreshed & overall happier on days I make my goals a priority before I give my energy to my patients at work.

Follow these steps to turn your goal into a HABIT…

1- Plan Ahead:

Make a solid decision of what workout you plan to do in the morning, whether it’s planning out your lifting moves, picking your favorite peloton ride, planning your running route, finding your favorite you tube workout, etc. If you know exactly WHAT you want to do, you’ll be more likely to stick to it!

2- Set Your Alarm:

Set your alarm at a practical time that gives you enough time to get your entire workout in (including a proper warm up & cool down), & be ready to leave for work on time (or before your kids wake up). Having enough time to fit in all of your tasks decreases the stress of running late & will help you continue to keep this routine. If you’re stressed after a workout, it’ll bring negative feelings about your new routine and affect your mindset & drive to continue to move forward with it.

Mastering your morning fitness schedule may even help you with time management in other parts of your life too!

3- Have your workout clothes ready:

I make sure to have my workout clothes together in another room so I can sneak out of the bed & get changed without waking up my husband (& dog). I know some people who actually sleep in their workout clothes so they can get up and have one less step of getting dressed in the morning. Whichever is best for you.. all that matters is that you don’t skip this step because this could be the make or break between rolling back into bed for another hour or getting your butt in gear!

Sidenote: If you’re going to a gym to workout instead of staying at home, make sure your gym bag is packed with all necessities for your workout and post workout (shampoo, conditioner, towel, shower cap, makeup, hair brush & tools, shower shoes, etc.).

4- Have your hydration ready:

Have your water bottle &/or protein shake pre-made in your fridge so you can just grab it on your way out the door or to your workout space. It’s so easy to procrastinate in the morning when you’re tired, so not having an excuse of something to waste time doing will help you get moving faster.

5- Have a quick post workout snack prepared:

After your workout you need to fuel your body to help aid recovery…. Whether it’s a healthy protein bar, hard boiled eggs (I always make & peel in advance once a week), fruit & nuts, or a Turkey Sandwich… having something healthy that you can grab & go will keep you from reaching for an unhealthy snack as you head out to start the rest of your day. 

6- Go to sleep early!!

Why is this the LAST item on the list? Because this step won’t be possible if you don’t get all of the above steps done BEFORE bedtime. You should aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night. If you’re usually getting less than that, try your best to hit the hay an hour or more if possible earlier to let your body feel rested enough for your wake up time. 

Also something to note, after getting used to my routine, I am able to ease back into staying awake a little later (ex: instead of going to bed at 8:45 I can go to sleep at 10 and still be able to get myself up for the workout, I know that’s less than 8 hours, but I balance by not setting an alarm on the days that I don’t have work to let my body catch up.

Don’t know where to start?

If you’re stumped on what types of workouts to do, I highly recommend the RP Strength Gym Free Workout Templates (if you have minimal equipment) or their Female Physique Templates (If you have access to a gym or more equipment at home). I have been using the Female Physique Templates along with the RP Diet App for years & have seen an amazing change in my body composition. You can use my personal referral code (FITSEDATION) for 10% off their ebooks, templates, & other products. You can also receive 33% off your first 6 months with the RP Diet App.

Good luck & Crush those Goals Girlfriend !

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